Rodger C. Haggitt Gastrointestinal Pathology Society Officers (2024-2025)
President: Jinru Shia (2025-2026)
President Elect: Rondell Graham (2025-2026)
Vice President: Raul Gonzalez (2025-2026)
Secretary/Treasurer: ILKe Nalbantoglu (2023-2026)
GIPS Executive Committee
Jinru Shia (President) (2022-2027)
Rondell Graham (President Elect) (2021-2026)
Nicole Panarelli (Past President) (2016-2026)
Raul Gonzalez (Vice President) (2024-2027)
ILKe Nalbantoglu (Secretary/Treasurer) (2023-2026)
Emma Furth (2023-2026)
Alexi Polydorides (2024-2027)
Michael Feely (2024-2027)
Committee Chairs & Members
Education Committee
Chair: Alexi Polydorides (2025-2026)
Vice Chair: Namrata Setia (2025-2026)
Education Subcommittee for Case of the Month
Chair: Xuefeng Zhang (2025-2028)
Erica Savage (2023-2026)
Won-Tak Choi (2024-2027)
Karen Matsukuma (2024-2027)
Lindsey Westbrook (2024-2027)
Shaomin Hu (2025-2028)
Deepti Reddi (2025-2028)
Education Subcommittee for Journal Watch
Chair: H. Mabel Ko (2023-2026)
Kathleen Byrnes (2023-2026)
Aqsa Nasir (2023-2026)
Mark Ettel (2023-2026)
Shilpa Jain (2023-2026)
Ben Swanson (2024-2027)
Annika Windon (2024-2027)
Phoenix Bell (2024-2027)
Suntrea Hammer (2025-2028)
Xintong Wang (2025-2028)
Education Subcommittee on e-Learning
Chair: Adam Both (2023-2026)
Rifat Mannan (2024-2027)
- Katie Hagen (2025-2028)
Awards Committee
Chair: Emma Furth (2023-2026)
Scott Robertson (2023-2026)
Deyali Chatterjee (2023-2026)
Kevin Waters (2023-2026)
Wei Chen (2025-2028)
Membership Committee
Chair: Michael Feely (2024-2027)
ILKe Nalbantoglu (2023-2026)
Nominations Committee
Chair: Nicole Panarelli (2024-2027)
Joesph Misdraji (2024-2027)
Maria Westerhoff (2023-2026)
Website Editor
Michael Feely