
Monthly Archives: October 2021

Presentation Files from 2021 GIPS Programming at ASCP

Please see below to download PDF files of the lectures from the GIPS session at the ASCP 2021 annual meeting, held virtually. The lectures were by Drs. A. Bellizzi and C. Sigel. BELLIZZI GIPS at ASCP – HER2 Testing in

Case of the Month – November 2021

A 26 year old male presented with a history of chronic diarrhea and hematochezia. Past medical history was significant for severe immunosuppression due to HIV and HAART therapy noncompliance. GIPS case-November-edited

Case of the Month – October 2021

A 74 yo male presented with right lower quadrant tenderness.  He denied nausea, vomiting, fevers, and abnormal bowel movements.  CT scan revealed a 6 cm mass centered in the right colon.  Colonoscopy was unremarkable, and the patient underwent surgical resection.

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