
Interactive Course is On: The Old and The New: A Comprehensive Approach to the GI Tract

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The Old and The New:
A Comprehensive Approach to the GI Tract

OCTOBER 5-8, 2021

Available Credits 24.5 CME
USCAP Member Price $899, Non-Member Price $1,199, Pathologist-in-Training $699

Drs. Gregory Y. Lauwers, Amitabh Srivastava, Dora Lam-Himlin, Nicole C. Panarelli, Lysandra Voltaggio, and Christina A. Arnold


This comprehensive approach to the gastrointestinal system is designed to educate general pathologists, junior GI pathologists and pathologists-in-training on problematic areas of common and unusual lesions, the newest guidelines and how they impact the diagnostic process, and practical approaches and tips to avoid diagnostic pitfalls. The structure of this course, divided along the GI anatomic landscape, allows the faculty to emphasize key diagnostic features of inflammatory, infectious and neoplastic pathology as encountered in biopsy and resection specimens. The cases are selected to assist in developing an appropriate differential with emphasis on how to navigate to the correct diagnosis. Supplementary cases and special studies will augment the discussion to present the full morphologic spectrum and show how to incorporate ancillary studies effectively. At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to develop and work through the differential diagnostic possibilities and render the best possible diagnosis. This is USCAP mentoring at its best!


  • Correctly classify dysplasia in Barrett esophagus, stomach and anus
  • Distinguish medication, infection and systemic disease involvement of the GI tract
  • Formulate a differential diagnosis for sprue-like lesions of the small bowel
  • Comprehend the proper classification of gastric and colonic polyps and mucinous appendiceal lesions
  • Evaluate the key features of colorectal staging

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