

United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP) Interactive Microscopy

Location: Four Seasons Hotel, St. Louis, MO Date: September 19-20, 2015 Link: Note: This course is designed to update practicing pathologists with advances in general surgical pathology including GI pathology. Limited to 27 registrants, this course assures a personal

Case of the Month: September 2015

A 60 year old male with chronic kidney disease undergoes polypectomy during routine colonoscopy… …continue to September 2015 Case of the Month

DDW 2015 News

News from Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2015: On Sunday May 17, 2015, John Hart and Jami Kinnucan moderated a clinical symposium at DDW entitled ‘Communication between pathologists and gastroenterologists is a beautiful thing’.  It was extremely well received.  Congratulations to

2015 GIPS Abstract Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2015 GIPS Abstract Award Winners! Winner: Anna-Sophie Weidner (Weill Cornell Medical College): Idelalisib Is a Novel Biologic Agent That Can Cause Severe Gastrointestinal Toxicity Runner-ups: Jenny Mas-Moya (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center): Clinicopathologic Comparison of Colorectal Carcinoma

Case of the Month February 2015

A 69 year-old man with a history of gastrointestinal polyps presents with occult blood in the stool and iron deficiency anemia. He reports no weight loss, melena or hematochezia.   Colonoscopy shows a 3.5 cm, pedunculated polyp in the splenic

2015 Annual Business Meeting

Sunday March 22, 2015 at 5pm (immediately following the Companion Meeting) Location : Hynes Convention Center Ballroom B For GIPS members only  

Jack Yardley Investigator Award

The Jack Yardley Investigator Award (formerly Young Investigator Award) recognizes seminal contributions or a significant body of published work that advances the field of gastrointestinal pathology. Successful candidates must be first or senior authors of publications for consideration. Applicants must be GIPS members in good standing.

Harvey Goldman Lifetime Achievement Award

The Harvey Goldman Lifetime Achievement Award is being instituted in 2015 to recognize significant academic contributions made by an active GIPS member to the field of gastrointestinal pathology. These contributions may be in the form of a significant body of published work or

Case of the Month December 2014

A 74-year-old woman presents with symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Her past medical history is significant for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and hyperlipidemia. Her current medications include omeprazole and pravastatin. Case of the Month Dec 2014

USCAP 2015 GIPS Reception

GIPS Reception – USCAP 2015 Date and Time: Sunday  March 22, 2015, 5:30pm – 7:30 pm Location: Sheraton Hotel – SH Riverway  

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February 12, 2025 2:00 pm EST

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