
New York University

One fellowship position. The program will include 44 weeks of education and training in diagnostic GI and hepatic pathology including understanding of molecular techniques and research training in the field of GI and hepatic pathology. Educational and research activities will take place in the Department of Pathology of the NYU School of Medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center. The diagnostic GI and hepatic pathology curriculum will comprise direct training in macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of GI and hepatic specimens including liver transplantation pathology. The program will include training in gross examination, frozen section interpretation, histopathologic diagnosis, and molecular pathology relevant to prognosis, prognostification, and therapeutic treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. The fellow will attend and present cases at intradepartmental conferences including the weekly multidisciplinary GI oncological conference, tumor board, and liver transplantation pathology conference, and will participate in didactic presentations to the pathology residents.

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